@article{oai:it-hiroshima.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000759, author = {中村, 省三 and 篠原, 司 and 田中, 孝明 and Nakamura, Shozo and Shinohara, Tsukasa and Tanaka, Takaaki}, journal = {広島工業大学紀要. 研究編}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, Epoxy resin is usually used as a encapsulation of IC chips for electronic parts. It is transformed from liquid to solid by the chemical curing reaction,and then residual stresses and warp deformation are generated in the electronic parts. In this report,the warp deformation behavior of laminated beam caused by the chemical curing process of epoxy resin was examined from both sides of the experiment and theory, which are the thermo-viscoelastic numerical analysis based on the linear viscoelasticity theory and the Finite Element Analysis about the laminated beam consisting of epoxy resin and steel. As a result, it was clarified that the result of thermo-viscoelastic numerical analysis of warp deformation well accorded with the experimental values,and the warp deformation behavior could be predicted by the thermo-viscoelastic numerical analysis with precision which is effedive in practical use.}, pages = {25--31}, title = {エポキシ樹脂と鋼材からなる粘弾性積層はりの硬化過程における反り変形挙動}, volume = {42}, year = {2008}, yomi = {ナカムラ, ショウゾウ and シノハラ, ツカサ and タナカ, タカアキ} }