@article{oai:it-hiroshima.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000510, author = {寺谷, 忠郎 and 片山, 剛之丞 and 水落, 健治 and Teratani, Churo and Katayama, Gonojo and Mizuochi, Kenji}, journal = {広島工業大学研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {application/pdf, We made up the following development of the program and the data base as the application of CAD to education of machine design and drawing. (1) The CAD application to the understanding of the fundamental knowledge of Japanese Industrial Standard. (2) The design of V belt transmission applied to a personal computer. (3) The application of CAD to high speed spindle design. (4) The application of CAD to speed reduction mechanisms. (5) The most suitable design of machine feeding equipment by applied CAD system. (6) The most suitable design of multiple spindle by applied CAD system. (7) Calculation of deflection of the spindle with diameter steps. (8) The most suitable design of the spindle with diameter steps. These are things as a guide in case of application of CAD systems to education of design and drawing of machine equipment. In recent years,the many kinds of soft ware for personal computer CAD systems have been many developed,so we expect that we can execute effective and efficient education of machine design and drawing with the result on this study.}, pages = {131--143}, title = {機械設計製図教育へのCADの応用}, volume = {23}, year = {1989}, yomi = {テラタニ, チュウロウ and カタヤマ, ゴウノジョウ and ミズオチ, ケンジ} }