@article{oai:it-hiroshima.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001027, author = {廣瀬, 英雄 and Hirose, Hideo}, journal = {広島工業大学紀要. 研究編}, month = {Feb}, note = {application/pdf, Nowadays, students are to be enrolled in universities easier than before because of the shrinkage of the number of the graduate students from high schools. To accept a variety of students, universities have prepared various pre-schools before entering universities. This is called“ high school / university connection”, and various teaching methods are adopted. One interesting method recently developed is to use the adaptive online testing system that uses the item response theory. We have recently established the follow-up program system (FP system) aimed at helping students who need basic learning and aimed at assisting teachers who have to engage in teaching a variety of educational students. The follow-up system consists of the learning check testing (LCT), follow-up program testing (FPT), and collaborative work testing (CWT); FPT and CWT are related to adaptive online testing system. Since the FP system was first introduced, four months have passed, and we have accumulated the large scale of testing results. In this paper, we show the results of learning analytics focused on the CWT results. From the analytics, we have found that 1) we had about 50000 access cases to CWT problem items from April to July, which means that students tried 10,000 series to testing, 2) mean of the number of times that a problem was tackled was 38, and mean of the number of times that a student tackled to problems was 46, 3) many problem items provided were rather easily solved by students; mean value of the ratios of correct answers to total answers was 0.7, 4) the dates of accessing to CWT is corresponding to the dates and the number of participants to follow-up classes; however, at the end of July, the number of access times was increased because of the final examination, 5) there are problem items that were frequently tackled and items that were not tackled.}, pages = {149--155}, title = {ラーニングアナリティクス: フォローアップ演習(CWT)の場合}, volume = {51}, year = {2017}, yomi = {ヒロセ, ヒデオ} }